

Stefan Baumgartner

Stefan on Mastodon

More on Workshop, Talk, Slides, Jamstack

I’m adding this talk mostly as an archive. In 2015/2016, we’ve been early adopters of the Jamstack architecture. Long before Jamstack was actually a name and hosts have been popping up. You can see a lot of what we’ve learned in my article Static site generators at scale over at Smashing Magazine. End of 2018, I started talking about going headless and decoupling a monolithic architecture using website frameworks, static site generators, and serverless.

I enjoyed giving this presentation a lot. I did from 25 minutes up to 2 hours, showing live examples, doing Next.js demos, deploying everything on Azure. I could digest years of experience, had slides that didn’t show a lot, but where I could just talk for hours. It really felt like a talk where I’m at home. I usually don’t consider myself a good speaker, but I realized that when I’m hooked on a special topic and create one talk that I tour with, I’m a lot better than with the “let’s fit a talk to the conference” approach. I had the same feeling with “Mobile Browser Games” and “Serverless Rust”. I like to have a talk that I can present on multiple occasions!

So, here are all 70+ slides on my thoughts on Jamstack, Headless, Serverless, etc. Plus some recordings. Enjoy!

Oh, I was a huge proponent of Jamstack. My mind has changed a bit. I think Jamstack might be too strict. But everything that we’ve learned from Jamstack can still be applied. Most importantly separating the four layers of a website.

Target audience: web developers of all experience levels


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Serverless Rust

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