
My podcast journey to ScriptCast

Stefan Baumgartner

Stefan on Mastodon

More on podcast, Personal

I love podcasting. I started back in 2009 and hosted a literature podcast for roughly two years. That’s where I made my first steps in producing non-written content and had lots of fun! I fiddled around doing interviews, chats, specials and audio dramas. Trying to read certain passages of books and added some sound effects to make those passages more interesting. Best thing was buying a semi-professional equipment and record public readings from authors directly from the mixer.

Gone for good: bücherplausch

From bücher§lausch to Krimikiste #

After two years the project was pretty hard to handle. We made episodes bi-weekly, and I not only had to record, cut and publish those episodes, but also had to prepare all the material. Which meant reading roughly ten books a month. That’s why I joined another book podcast shortly after: krimikiste. This project still exists and the amazing crowd publishes on a daily basis. If you dig crime and detective literature and know German, go there!

After a while, I realised that not only publishing on the web was important to me, but also working with and for the web. I decided to make a leap of faith and dropped my current research in image processing to become a full fledged web developer. This was maybe one of the biggest and most important decisions of my life. A profession that I was pursuing since 1997 became finally a reality.

Working Draft #

Shortly after setting my foot into the industry, I met lots of wonderful people in the community. And when I hang out with them at beyond tellerrand in Düsseldorf, my friend Schepp asked me to join the German Working Draft podcast.

Working Draft

Both of my passions combined! Working Draft became one of my most important things I did on the web. Recording with a bunch of friends and chatting about our daily work gave me ideas beyond my usual occupation. Sharing ideas and problems and finding out new technologies helps me to stay up to date at all times. Plus: I love this bunch of fellas!

ScriptCast #

When I was looking for opportunites to fill the gap between interations of our ScriptConf series of conferences, podcasts came into my mind almost immediately. That was the inital spark for ScriptCast. Going out to conferences, chatting with interesting people about their work and their talks. Speakers who fit into the lovely crowd and community we built up this year.

For me personally, this means a lot of things:

  • I can try out new technologies, platforms and new equipment
  • I try to record in face to face chats all the time. This allows me to practice my interview skills
  • I also am able to improve my English conversation skills, since everything has to be impromptu
  • Most importantly, I get to know great and amazing speakers!

Check out the last episode of the podcast, where I was chatting with Nadieh Bremer:

Funnily enough, even though ScriptCast is a “podcast about JavaScript”, JavaScript itself is kept humbly in the background. We meet because we work with the same technologies, but we are more interested in the projects and the outcome itself. Much like the talks at Script’17. This allows us to talk about web performance, microservices and data visualization without having to restrain ourselves.

With Working Draft and ScriptCast I have great opportunities to provide content. Working Draft already is well established, so I’m really curious how ScriptCast turns out to be given time.

For you, I happily invite you to check out my new podcast:

Let me know what you think! (Well, except for telling me about the poor sound quality… yep, I’m aware of that 😉, but that’s the catch with live recording)

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